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Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm bored...

50 questions...

1. Name and Nickname (if you have one)? Real name is Hillary and most people call me that. Every once in a while people will call me Hill.

2. Are you named after someone? I don't think so.

3. Astrological Sign? Libra

4. Do you have a journal? Not a current one.

5. Do you still have your tonsils? yep

6. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Usually

7. First feature you notice on someone you are attracted to? Their eyes of course...

8. What is on your mouse pad? I don't have one...

9. Book you are reading right now? Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner

10. Do you collect anything? Elvis stuff and bunnies

11. Favorite TV Show Current show? Just one? Prison Break I guess...

12. Do you wear glasses or contacts Glasses? Nope

13. Last movie you saw Theater? Honestly I don't even remember.

14. Favorite vacation spot? Oregon coast

15. Shoe size? 8 and a half or 9

16. Do you eat breakfas? I try to

17. Favorite cereal? Cap'n Crunch or Honey Smacks

18. Favorite lunch meat? Salami and roast beef

19. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Only my tattoos yet.

20. What color is your bedroom carpet? Dirty!!!

21. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, what store would it be? Pottery Barn

22. What celebrity(dead or alive)would you like to have lunch with Right now? Prince...duh!

23. If you were given a round trip ticket anywhere in the world, where would you go? Either England or Australia.

24. What time do you go to bed? 12:00 or 1:00

25. Favorite fast food Right now? Wendy's

26. Dream car? I am really liking the Honda Suv's right now, but I would love a Suburban if it didn't sost so much for gas.

27. Do you wear a watch? Nope, I am allergic to most metal so I can't wear most watches.

28. Fabric softner or dryer sheets? Dryer Sheets

29. Dine in or carry out? Dine in

30. Mystery or romance novels? Romance

31. Early or late riser? When given the choice, late.

32. Mayo or Miracle whip? Mayo of course! Miracle Whip is gross!

33. Dill or sweet pickles? Dill

34. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla!!!!

35. Cake or pie? pie

36. Steak or chicken? Steak for sure!

37. Gold or silver? Silver

38. Roses or carnations? Roses, but I do like that carnations last longer.

39. Croutons or bacon bits? croutons

40. Disney or Warner Brothers? Warner Brothers

41. Desk, messy or organized? messy!

42. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi, but I only drink Diet Coke.

43. Summer or winter. Summer!

44. Chinese or Mexican food? Both!

45. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Rolling Stones! I hate the Beatles

46. Baseball or Football? I like both, but if I had to choose then baseball of course.

47. White or wheat? White...I do not eat wheat!

48. Action or drama? Action

49. Dark or milk chocolate? I prefer white chocolate, but if I had to choose then I would choose milk because I hate dark.

50. MAC or PC? PC


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