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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Whatcha Reading?

Sue tagged me with this fun meme. The rules are as follows:
Grab the book closest to you
Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
Post the text of the next three sentences on your blog
Name of the book and the author
Tag three people of your own.

After all, no one thought he had a chance with the hospital administrator who virtually decapitated the bookkeeper who had apparently figured out he'd been embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars. ("The means and mere gruesomeness of the death suggested premeditation," Stephen told us the judge had remarked to him one evening when the trial was finished.) Everyone in the state knew a particular motel owner in Shelburne would be convicted of trafficking drugs, and the woman who left her infant twins to freese atop Camel's Hump would be found guilty of first degree murder.

Midwives by Chris Bohjalian

I have never actually read this book. My friend Jennifer loaned it to me a few years ago and it has been sitting near my desk since then. Maybe I should get around to reading it?


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